Where is Sunday's Child?


April 13, 2013

Monday's child is fair of face
Tuesday's child is full of grace
Wednesday's child is full of woe
Thursday's child has far to go 
Friday's child is loving and giving
Saturday's child works hard for a living 
But the child who is born on the Sabbath day
Is bonnie and blithe and good and gay

Still awaiting my granddaughter's appearance into the world...

We walked and walked and walked yesterday through the mall to get baby girl going. 

But....nothing happened, not a sound.

We did accidentally walk into the men's room though!!!

(Oh my goodness I felt like I was in high school again with my best friend Gwen doing something accidentally stupid.We were really great at stupid back then....)

 And it made me laugh like it too!!   (high school stupid that is)

See I had to really needed to pee. 

        I mean the bladder was bursting

                           my back teeth were having canoe races 

                                                                                     my eyes were crossing...

well you get the idea. 

I saw a large sign that said "RESTROOM"

You know in the state I was in that is a blessing from on High.

And of course the daughter is always ready to pee.

So we made our way through clothing racks to the (NOT HOLY) grail....

...And walked right through the door (didn't notice the "men's room" sign on the door)

The daughter was in front of me.

We walked into the room two steps whereupon the daughter whipped around 

(faster than I have seen her move in MONTHS!

and whispered as she pushed me backwards, "we're in the men's room!".

The giggling began gurgling up then, sliding right into the all--out hysterical laughter that 

continued on into the Women's room, into and out of the stalls, in the car on the way 


And it stills makes me laugh this morning. 

It reminds me of a similar incident that happened when I was about 22. 

I was working in an office and had made friends with an older woman--probably about my age today-- She was funny with a dry wit and we liked to hang out together. I want you to get a picture of this woman--she was very ladylike and petite, soft spoken but not shy. Smart and extremely sarcastic in that very soft spoken way. 
I really love a brilliant sense of humor and of the absurd.

Now I realize she was probably gay, but at that time I didn't even consider that she may be gay or thinking we were dating....

I guess we were if  you consider meeting a friend for lunch or dinner or seeing movies together as dating without  defining that one significant piece of info...

Oh (sidebar here) we saw one of the scariest movies EVER at Facets Multimedia in Chicago back then. It is called "The Haunting of M" and it is still with me (haunting me)....If you can find it and like to be scared this is for you.

Okay, now, we were heading out of work to grab lunch. It was a beautiful sunny summmer day. My friend suggested we try some new place and I was all for it. 

So she starts heading for this little restaurant/bar down the street that neither of us have ever been in. 

Looks promising from the outside. Just a little neighborhood bar and grill type of place. 

So she steps up the two steps to the door and opens the door walking in a few steps all very gracefully petite. 

Inside it was a bit dim. It took a moment to adjust our eyes. Then I saw there was a bar that took up 90% of the little restaurant. There may have been ten bar stools from end to end of the bar that curled around to the wall at the far end.

Maybe seven of the stools had older, gray haired men sitting on them looking down into there beer steins when we walked in.

There was another moment where everything stopped and they all lifted up their heads from their beer contemplation and en masse looked at the two of us. 

My quite elegant, graceful friend turned around and said "Oh father's not here" and turned me around and out the door we went. I started laughing so hard and so did she, but in a graceful kind of way. I just kind of guffawed or something like that. 

And I am still laughing....

Thanks Priva! 

Have a beautiful day 

Peace and love.


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