A finale for you


April 30, 2013,

My first granddaughter and grandchild was born today.

I know the road her life will take will bring her many challenges.

One thing I hope for her is that the threat of Parkinson's Disease is one thing she won't have to worry about.

I have lived the beginning and middle of this disease, probably for a lot longer than I know.

I have seen the long slow slide down into incapacity and

  as a nurse working in the hospital setting I have seen the end of this disease.

It is not a pretty sight to see.

And I know that is my and every Parkies future if there is no more advancements in treatment and medication.

So please support the research into PD. 

Here are some concrete ways to do that:

  • You can be a part of a study.

  • You can let your representatives know that you support stem cell research.

  • You can pull out that check book and send some money to The Michael J. Fox Foundation

          at   www.michaeljfox.org/Find_A_Cure

Be one of the good guys!

I would love to be around to see my grandbaby grow up.

Support your local Parky....

Peace and Love.


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