
April 2, 2013,

It's another beautiful day today!

Today we are going to learn a bit about the Nervous System. 

( Yay!, applause!, whistles!, shouting!, and pandemonium erupts!)

Okay now calm down, calm....SSSSHHHHHHHH !

The Nervous System... ( YEAH! (the lone shouter))

I WAS SAYING... the Nervous System originates in the brain. And there are all kinds of chemicals that  get dumped into the body from the brain for all sorts of wonderful activities such as:

  • fighting or running away ( to fight and live another day)
  • labor 
  • relaxing muscles

One of these chemicals is call DOPAMINE (Ta Da). This is secreted from the cute little part of the brain called the "substantia nigra" This chemical--a neurotransmitter--allows certain muscle groups to relax.

In my brain and many thousands of others the stinking substantia nigra is not producing enough Dopamine. By the time a person notices symptoms of PD, they have probably lost about 80% of the Dopamine producing cells.

As a result, the muscles in our bodies are rigid and tense. To get control of these muscles and actually use them for living through the day requires a lot of energy and concentration. No wonder I can't keep weight on! And personally I have a tremendous amount of pain all the time. (AWWWWW)

But enough pity party--If you wonder why I can tell a joke with a straight face is either it isn't funny (usually the case) or it's just my face. PDers have a PD mask like face--again the innervation to the mucles is decreased and as a result if I don't consciously think about it I don't have a lot of varying looks.

And don't get me started on the giant tube that runs from the mouth to the...well the other end! The innervation to the "alimentary canal" is very decreased. Again the stupid substantia nigra...

Now for the more delicate among us, I place a warning of gross stuff below which you may decide to ignore.

I can't swallow some foods very easily and I am terrified of choking or vomiting. French fries are pretty much out. They tend to stick in my throat and I can't swallow them.

I just refuse to vomit. I don't think I could get it out all the way. Don't want to choke on that.


Don't get me started on digestion and elimination. The whole GI tract is moving on extra slow motion. Just let me say that "Traditional Medicinals" brand of tea, carried by Jewel Food Stores, has a wonderful tea called "Smooth Move" that is lovely and works wonders. And I have learned to appreciate plums, prunes and prune juice. A great morning drink I invented the "Plum Blaster" is equal parts prune juice and diet Coke. YUM !!!!

Also before bed is the "Prune Fizz" which is equal parts prune juice and seltzer water. 

So that is a brief visit to the nervous system brought to you by the GI and muscular systems. I hope we have all learned something today. Neither Jewel, Traditional Medicinals, or Coke have tried to buy me off in any way. But I would certainly be agreeable to it if they want to try. 

Have a great day!


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