Be Careful What You Ask For....

June 14, 2013

Good day or is that G'day?

Anyways, hi, howdy, howyadooin'?

It's a loverly day today in the mid section of the country.

Two nights ago we were supposed to be inundated with horrifying thunder storms...yawn, no such horror occurred, but the weather people were sweating it out, fo sho.

This in not to belittle or lessen the terrible losses people around the country and the world have suffered this season, this year.

You know, ever since Global Warming never happened?


Will be embarking on a new adventure soon. One that this Parky will handle with aplomb. 

(Aplomb? what the heck is aplomb? I don't know! Go look it up!)

Starting soon.

Will be interesting, I guess. 

It's back to what I do best so that's a plus.

  • It's money in the bank and that's another plus.

  • It's close to home and that's another another plus.

  • It's right by a Buona Beef; another another another plus.

Okay sounds good.

I asked for it. I got it. I think I want it. 

Do you ever envision something as ideal? whether a situation, a partner, a salary, a house, a job, a car, a movie, a new dress, a weight?

If you are LUCKY enough to achieve that ideal thing, does it satisfy, does it seem as delectable and fabulous as it seemed from the outside? 

If you're like me then you are usually (OK always) disappointed when Christmas morning comes and the magic of the beautifully wrapped package unwrapped is just another pair of socks. (you know what I mean)

So be careful what you ask for and sit in quiet for a time contemplating what it is  you really desire.

At this point in my life I usually take about 5 minutes before I decide I really don't want what I thought I wanted. 

Things are just things. 
They can grow old and useless and sometimes ugly in the blink of an eye.

 Like biting a big piece of pie and it turns to ash on your tongue. 

Or for you Parky's out there (since we can't taste anything) grabbing a big bag of money (sorry, this is really for everybody) only to find it can't buy anything that can fill the hole in your soul.

Only love can do that.

So be careful for what you hope, dream, desire, want, pray.

You just might get it. 

And if it is love you may end up the happiest person in the world. 

Until the next...

Peace and LOVE : ) )


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