Walls,paint, dust, ch-ch-ch-ch-changes...



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***I am afraid you will have to put on this mask due to the fumes and dust the paint and painters are causing. I am getting a little dizzy from it all.***

Or maybe I am dizzy from the excitement of the upcoming video shoot. 

Last week I spoke with the producer to get the details of the shoot. 

When I put down the phone from talking to the producer, I looked around the living room and told my hunny, "we have to get the walls painted!" 

I know, I know,  you probably heard me!

My husband is my perfect mate. 

I rush  headlong into things while he takes the most thoughful route possible. He really keeps my silly self in check.

OK, so back to painting walls....

I get my trusty Mac and start googling.

Found a painter, got an excellent quote and said come on let's do it ! (Well, you know, painting that is)

Besides he looks like Elijah Woods.

Frodo is painting our living room and kitchen!

Well my special wonderful husband was a bit apprehensive about it all. Remember he moves kind of like a glacier--I am sort of more like a road-runner.

(But shh don't tell him I said that!)

So he did his research and more research and then just a little bit more. And he finally gave his stamp of approval. That was great because the painters had already started....

Then he gave me a great compliment!

He looked at me and said "you are just a 'git er done' giraren't you?"

Yes I am! I replied. 
I am a 'git er done' kind of girl. 

I really like that. I am not impatient! i just want to get the job done, get through the underbrush, climb that wall.

Anyway, it looks like I have a few walls of my own to climb. What fun!!!

We are stuck living in our little house on the prairie--which is already little--with out a living room or kitchen for the three days it will take to accomplish this great fete of redecorating. But I can do it. I can't wait to see the results. And NYC will be horribly jealous, I'm quite sure. 

So we put up with the short trials to make it to our destination. 
Where the path goes who knows?
We point the compass in the direction we desire, but then life has a way of funneling us in other directions, streams, paths, ideals, interests, diseases, happenstances....

I hope all of you are going where you want to go. 
I hope none of you are unwell let alone dealing with a disability in this world.

But, only time will tell.

And as the late, great, and prescient Jim Morrison said: "No one here gets out alive"

I hope we will survive the paint fumes and dust, because I would like to live until the video is completed! 

TO the walls!!!!!

Until the next time,

Peace and love


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