WHY the sadness, madness, blackness?????

August 13, 2014

Where or what is this place that incarnates a man's soul?

 What locks him into a blackened loop of deepest despair that doesn't let him go?

What keeps pulling him deeper into blackened rags sucking out the joy of his life then drops him down back to earth, with an unholy cackle, to go back to his life, as if nothing ever happened....

Nothing is what happens.

Nothingness is at the bottom of the spiral downward....

And why does a person WANT TO GO THERE???

What is it that makes people SO freaking unhappy in this life that they will take their own and throw it into the garbage?

                                            I Don't Know!

I have read alot of info on FB written by those who live with depression.
                                                          I don't get it.

                  I am sorry.

 I have people in my family that suffer from this disease.

I pray for them everyday.

                        I hope that none of those EVER feel like life is not worth living...

Because we ARE all going to die one day; GOD will tap each of us on the shoulder (when we are least expecting it ) and call us home.

Do we know what is on the other side of life? Do you? Do you?


So why do some suppose that death is better than life? 

IS there a black nothingness after this life?

That is what some want to have happen.

but how the hell do you know where you are going and what an afterlife consists of ?????

GOD sees through the darkness as if it weren't there at all.

Dark and light are the same to HIM.

Some scripture to soothe the soul:

Psalm 90:10 "The days of our years are threescore and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labor and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away."

I'll fly away to glory
I'll fly away....

Psalm 90:12" So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. "
We all hve a finite number of days that GOD has set out for us.

Some get thousands of days like Lauren Bacall. 

Some get less, some more.

But, GOD made you and gave you a certain number of days to live your life.

Psalm 90:17 "And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us; and establish though the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it."

HE also gave us work to do, so if you decide you know what's best over the Master Designer of the 
UNIVERSE, and you take your life then you cannot do the work HE has established for your hands to do.

Wait upon the LORD, HE will bless you with joy in your soul.

Read the Psalms,
read Genesis and the story of Joseph, you will cry for the love and mercy GOD showed.

So it is up to you, you have free will. Will you or won't you? darkness or light?

I am staying in the light "As He is in the light". (I John:2)

Read the Bible. It's the only truth in this fallen world.

Until the next,

Peace and Love...

And I REALLY hope you are resting in peace R.W...


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