Start with the "Z's" every now and then.

Sunday 12/15/85

I mean)

Sunday 12/15/13

Can time really melt away that fast????


Having a child is wonderful, painful, life-changing, fantastic....

RAISING a child never ends. You can never stop being a mommy. 

Well I can't anyway. 

Way back when I was still an amoeba I decided it would be "wonderful" to have a home birth. 

And to tell you the truth it went ok. THANK GOD!

Now that I am an R.N. and have worked in Labor and Delivery it brings chills to my sensibilities when I think how incredibly stupid I had been those many years ago. 

My clever daughter however was much smarter than I even before she knocked on my cervix and asked if she could come out and play yet.

She did everything just right and I thank her and GOD for that. 
                                                                       (Including coming right on her due date)

Now she is 28 TODAY and this year has given birth to the most wonderful child to be born since her own birth. And my very sensible daughter didn't even consider home birth for a moment.

That is such a good thing because she needed an emergent C-section. 

And all is well now. 

So as I write this note with no pressure just joy I want to impart a valuable piece of advice:

Just as I tried to be different having a home birth, staying at home at a time when women were supposed to be superwomen, having children and a full time career, and know what the hell they wanted out of life, I suggest that sometimes if you aren't running with the bulls or swimming with the current, you might want to start with the Z's.

I started with the Z's my whole life and I am working backwards. That's just the kind of hairpin I am.

Sort of like Benjamin Button, I am getting toward the middle of the alphabet as I approach middle age. 

And I think I am right where I need to be. 
(really always have been;never thought so until lately).

Starting with the Z's has recently brought new insight into my mind regarding my real writing project, the one that won't release me, the one that keeps bumping along, the one that is pulling me onward toward the A's. 

So my advice to you today is START WITH THE Z'S EVERY NOW AND THEN, even if you are a start with the A's kind of person. 

It just might work out for you.

Now you do need to just keep swimming, swimming, swimming
                                                     (in the immortal words of Ellen) 

while the Z's settle and show you the way out of the confines of your current life/situation/amniotic sac. 

(By the way the better half says he always starts with the Z's because he always needs enough Z's to get I love him)

Thank you alphabet for being linear wherever you start.

Wherever you start be confident that that is where you should be and confidently go forward or backward or sideways.

It's OK.

Bless you this day--feel joyful--it can be rare.


until the next,

Peace and Love and Joy to you all...


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