Amateur Night


December 31, 2013

To all my readers, followers, newbies:

If you are going out tonight:

Please don't drink and drive!!!

What will your loved ones do without you? 

What if you survive but kill someone else???

Could you live with that the rest of your life?

Remember it is Amateur Night out there on the roads. 

*Where I live it is snowing (as usual on New Year's Eve) and will continue to do so through the night.*

Get a cab, phone a friend, call mom and dad--they would much rather pick you up stoned out of your gourd than have to I.D. your corpse at the morgue, believe me. 

Stay where you are if you have to but DO NOT GET BEHIND THE WHEEL!!!

How about the sight of yourself in the new "orange is the new black" jail jumpsuit--arrested for DUI?

I want you all here tomorrow to start a brand new year of blogs!!!

Unitl next year...

Peace, love, and SOBER TRAVEL!!!!


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