Pure PD


(As my granddaughter always says with such a bright smile and tone )
 And to EVERYONE and I mean Everyone we pass on the street or in the grocery store, etc etc etc.

Some say HI! back and some don't.

That does not deter her, she will call out louder and louder, until we say hush!

Energy--a beautiful thing--enjoy it while you can.

I have a very small supply left at this point.

Takes a lot of energy to keep my body going; my brain too.

Anything else is difficult.

Everything else is difficult.

Typing is getting to be difficult.

Eyesight and hewing and swallowing and exercise and sitting and lying down and...


Sorry to get a little whiney.

I meant to be more winey!!!

I ain't actively dying,

I aint' actively being patient either

Can't wait for the editor to tell me what she think about the horrible story  I had hoped to have published.

HOWS that for + thinking????'

Until the next...I am out of energy now

Peace and love....


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