Light your sparklers, cherry bombs, M 80s, shoot your guns....

July 8th, 2014

~Happy fourth of July~

Sorry I am a little tardy wishing you all a Happy Fourth...well I just wasn't feelin' it.

Hope you all had a lot of fun. Hope you all have all your finger and hands and eyes instact still.

I remember about 10 years ago, I had a young man (from Indiana) as a patient. He had blown off both his hands while he was making HOME MADE fireworks.

I am sure he was still in shock when I had him because it didn't seem to bother him at all.

But, guess what? His hands haven't grown back yet! Gee whiz I wonder how come they don't grow back...duh...

Sorry that is a bit mean. I guess it is easy to take aim at a numbskull for doing something only a numbskull would do.

Speaking of numbskulls, my scalp is still quite dead to much feeling. Especially in the back (parietal). It hurts when I touch my hair, but not a whole lot of feeling there other than pain. Nice. Fun.

Anyway, I seem to be progressing very well with these things in my brain. I don't like the battery pack in my chest though. It hurts still.

But I can change the amplitude (or whatever, amplitude sounds very intelligent right?) within a range of numbers. I had it quite high when I left the Neurologist's office. But the next day I got up and felt so wired! I couldn't control my muscles very well So I turned it way down and now I am slowly turning it back up again.

And the docs want me to continue to take my meds. Boo! I say to that, because, that is precisely why I wanted the elecctrodes in the first place. (I am not taking much any more).

To be fair, they want me to try to get a good mix between the electrodes and the meds. I really don't want to takethe carbidopa/levodopa at all. That is what gives me a bobble head.
Me no likey the bobble head! It actually hurts my right shoulder.

So, No making your own fireworks. Do as your doctor tells you (unless you don't want to).

And whatever you do...BE HAPPY!!!

(Like a room without a roof)

Until the next,

Peace and Love


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