Life Happens All the Time


April 6, 2013

Life Happens

*Note to World* 

My favorite hairdresser is getting hitched today! Congrats to Samantha! We survived the Hair Salon Bandit and made it to your wedding day. Here's to a long lifetime of happiness. 

*Note to World* 

Old friend from many years ago died last Monday, only 56 years old--WAY WAY too young. She was probably too beautiful for this world. The angels in heaven are glad today though...the world is smaller and colder without her.

And when is my grandbaby coming?????

A movie from a few years ago reminded us that animals. specifically BIG CATS, have a ceremony where they sit around the campfire in "a Circle " and sing about the curvature, or arc "of life".

(I am REALLY trying not to name anything that would require me to pay royalties to a certain megaglobal entity that rhymes with Schmisney)

But seriously folks, life is what happens when you're buying lottery tickets, or doing the laundry, or run out of rope....

(If I told you you have a beautiful body would you hold it against me?) Rodney D. I LOVE that man....

Life happens when you graduate from nursing school, get hired at a job you ADORE, work for a few years, get good at your job, get comfortable in your skin, turn oh, about 28 or 29, happy as a lark and then, out of the blue, find out you have a very agressive form of breast cancer. 

The above anecdote is so hard to think about, but is nevertheless a true story. I won't go into any more details. But if you would pray for K she needs it. And those of you who have seen the poster--get your butts up to the appropriate floor and spend $20 for a t-shirt to support her. 

( Come up and see me sometime when you have no class!) wink wink ---

No matter what life is happening to me, Rodney Dangerfield will always make me laugh. I am chuckling as I write those two lines. Of course I can see his face and hear his voice delivering the lines.

So when I start feeling down in the dumps, I try to remember that I still have it great. I count my blessings: My honey is healthy, I can most of the time function within normal limits (fuzzy edged limits), My mom is still kicking, my kids are healthy, my son is NOT in jail....I am going to be a Grandma. Oh I am so psyched! 

And, I have made it this far in life although I have tried to kill myself (not consciously) through many stupid acts and behaviors. I think GOD has alot more to do with that than anything on earth. SO I am trying to figure out the point of my life and the point of PD and the point of everything....

So if you're feeling down in the dumps, "Circle" back around to the good things you have right now in your own life. They are there, just take a minute to look.

Count your blessings today. Give your Supreme Being a nod and a thank you, if you have one. If not, I guess thank your lucky stars...who knows what's really out there, Beyond la Mer...

So have a safe (honeymood) trip to Australia Samantha, (I will need you back in one piece in a few weeks), a gentle joyful homegoing Kay, a healing for the other K., a peaceful easy feeling, all you eagles....

And thanks Rodney for all the chuckles.: )

Peace and Love you groovy people....


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