Monday, Medications, Mood, Madness, Merriment


April 8, 2013

Monday, Medications, Mood, Madness, Merriment...

Good Monday to you all!

I hope you all enjoyed your weekend.

I guess I did. Parts of it anyway

Yesterday was not the best day though for me. 

I can't tell you why exactly but I felt sick most of the day. And by sick I mean my body was not cooperating with me. It affects me physiclally, mentally, spiritually. It colors all the attitudes and feelings I have regarding everything I think and every idea I have.

It seems sometimes like the medications I take are not doing anything for me. And then I feel very bad and get a sick feeling. 

Like I really do have something wrong with me. 

I feel off balance...It seems like I can feel each muscle group flickering on and off with uneven jolts of electricity. I can't get comfortable, my back from top to bottom spasms constantly. My neck muscles get so stiff it hurts to turn my head even 30 degrees to any side. I get very nauseaous and can't eat.

And then the physical starts messing with the mental.

Do you feel rather black when you are ill? I definitely can get into a black mood when I physically feel bad.

Then I know it's time to rest and focus on ways to get feeling better.

Ways to get feeling better: 


Maybe an extra bit of Dopamine.

1) lie down
   2) Stop tryng to control the muscles in the body
       3) let the bed support you
          4) just forget it all and:
               5) try to fall asleep and just REST

By late afternoon I finally got past the biggest chunk of nausea, electrocution of musculature, and mental blackness and then had some cheery company over for dinner. 

We had a fun time. 

My husband told us a story that made me me laugh harder than I have ever laughed before. 

Seriously funny. I mean seriously, seriously, HILARIOUS.

He is so funny because he will tell a real life story that is so ABSURD, it could only have happened to him. 

(I am starting to giggle recalling it!)

Laughter is ALWAYS healing as well as hanging out with people you love and love you back.

Then I stayed up too late working on another story that has NOTHING to do with PD. Seems these days words and anecdotes and fictional characters are flowing out of my brain onto the page. Which is very fun and exciting.

As I sit in this comfy chair talking to you today, I can hear the wind blowing Spring in and washing away the last bits of Winter that wanted to stay for Spring, because it's so Nice ! Who wouldn't want to stay for Spring?

Enjoy this day because it's


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