Of dolls and stoves and singing children


April 27, 2013

Well it's been a busy week here in Lake Woebegone,

(sorry Mr. Keillor)

But it has been a busy week out here on the edge of the....city.

Made a huge decision. Sort of a sad one, but necessary.

Made a large purchase for a hopefully enormous return.

Made several discoveries with the help of my dedicated sidekick "Permanently Prego".

I am learning values of all kinds of kitsch.

I am getting worn out from driving all over creation--well, at least the greater Chicagoland environs.

On another front I am staying even.

And all of it done with the head bobbling, finger shakin', low talkin', body swayin'

Parkinson's Disease!!

I have really thought about the brain surgery and feel like I am ready to jump right in. After all it's not brain surgery( oh yea it is)--ok it's not ROCKET SCIENCE or anything like that....

Getting tired of being tired. My body is constantly in motion (is that one of the laws of physics? ) and that is very exhausting by about 5:00 PM.

A new chapter of life is beginning--one is waning. I am sad to leave the former behind, but am eager to find where the new one takes me.

So I will continue bob-bob-bobbling forward in that wavering right leg draggy sort of way.

Some days I feel SO EXCITED!!!!  Like "is this really what I will be doing now?" :))

And some days I think "Oh my goodness is THIS what I will be doing now? " :((

Trying to stay on the sunny side of the street.

Fully embracing my new life and current parameters makes coping with PD a bit easier. But I don't always want to embrace my current parameters!

I hope all you lovely readers have a great weekend.
I already am!

Until tomorrow...

Peace and Love


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