Happy New Year to all my little blogsters!!!!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Good morning, afternoon, or evening...

This is the year of the cure....I pray and hope for all us Parkey's.

What is your hope and wish? 

Mine is (are) to be #1 pain free and #2 to be Parky free. 

That probably sounds a little whiney to others who have alot more going on in their lives.

But I pray for us all to be well, maybe better, or at least don't get worse.

Parky's and CG of Parky's---GOD bless you all.

Please see a Movement Disorder Nero Doc if you haven't already.

Ask questions, demand answers,

AND support the PD group of your choice.

What do you want?

What do you dream of?

LET IT BE  SO !!!!

Peace and Love until the next...

Caroline : )


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