New furniture, more pain, acupuncture, taking charge of my electric brain

December 4, 2014

Ready for CHRISTMAS ????


I am if, like me, you don't plan on doing much of anything except hanging with family and friends.

Maybe I will grab a few gifts for some of the folks I love.

They did not have to be good. ( that would be too hard for some of them)

They have to be someone I love.

Not even like.

L    O     V     E        

The time goes so fast from Thanksgiving to Christmas! 
Especially since we have about 9,000 birthdays in December in our greater family.

(I do NOT have 9,000 chiildren.)

Even though I do have new furniture!!! Yay! 

We gave the old stuff to the daughter and son-in-law and we had a futon for furniture for about two months to sit on. 

Let me say, that was a REAL treat! (Can you hear the sarcasm drip?)

That was so great for my left leg. I wanna tell ya! It got SO bad it forced me into going to a an acupuncturist. (a student, actually)

And you know what? It helped ! Until I had a 7 hour drive for Thanskgiving and then back again,

Oy vey!

But I went back again and got another treatment and immediately felt better....: )

I am going back and REFUSE to give into this pain!!!!

And finally was convinced to get my electric brain turned up so it actually become s I am cuttting out a lot of meds which is exciting!!!! 

No more head bobbles!!!!!!

(Have I used enough exclamation points??????? ( or question marks))

So, please come back soon, I promise to blog again soon! (OOPS) 

Its just that the novel I am writing is nearing its end! (Oops again)

And it is so exciting, but these characters are getting tired and want to crawl into bed. 

So , I must finish and be good to them.

SO, bear with me 


Peace and Love 

until the next.....


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