Friends R Gud!


Friends come to mind as Veteran's Day approaches.

BTW my nephew has a birthday on the11th, so HB to Robbie

(Sorry Rob but honestly you will always be Robbie to me).

Friends are those folks who are always in your corner.

In the trenches.

In the foxholes with you.

If you have one of these friends you are truly blessed.

I have one or two and they are the best.

If you have been in a war or one is approaching on the horizon and you have a friend with you
then it can be winnable.

Anyhow, thanks, you know who you are.

I do have a war approaching.

And now I don't feel so isolated.

And I know that no matter if I win or not, my friend will always be there in my corner.

(Sorry to mix metaphors)

And she wins the prize--a copy of my book.

Ever hear the story of the "Little Red Hen"?

Well think on it.

How did I go from Veteran's Day to the Little Red Hen?

Easy, I just followed the yellow brick road....

Until the next...

Peace and Love


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