Ain't it a glorious day?!

May 27, 2013

Ain't it a glorious day ?!

Right in the middle of May

I feel like I could fly!!!!!

'ave you ever seen the grass so green?

Or a bluer sky?

What a gorgeous spring this has been  so far this year!

Well around these parts anyway

I know that there is horrible flooding in the south...

I am sorry if you are in that!

I have friend with a daughter in all that and I am SO sorry to hear of it.

but whatcha gonna do?

can't control the weather, just gotta get out of it's way....i guess.

sorrry for my lack of punctuation, but i had to lie down on my right side because my left hurts so much making it difficult to type properly.

have you had the same experience? or have you had the same trouble with your employer re: diability accomodation?

hope not.

now i am all bummed out.

thanks a lot nobody who reads this!

until the next,

peace and love....


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