Tom Waits for no one.

May 24, 2014

Saturday (inn the paarrkk, I think it was the 4th of July)

How ya'll are?

Well I been good today!

We have had the most glorious warm beautiful birds chirping and radios and stereos thumping kind of day.

And I spent alot of the day with my favorite raspy voiced, sweetest song writer, and cool actor:

Tom Waits

I love playing his music.

I mean on the piano that is.

Oh, I love listening to his music too.

(This is a secret, but some are written like hymns, so simple, flowing, beautiful.)

I heard one of his songs on the last episode of a TV series with Kathy Bates called "Harry's Law".

Kathy Bates sang it and (I think) was playing the piano.

                                                                          The song is called "Take Me Home".

It is the sweetest little tune...from a musical/soundtrack that Waits wrote.

Hold up there now!

Tom Waits wrote a musical/whatever ??

Yes, I say, yes he did.

The name you ask?

                                                     "One From The Heart"

After I heard the ditty from Bates I HAD to have the song.

It came attached to an entire musical--and get  this--presented by (does that mean directed by?)

the one, the only:



Who  knew Tom Waits wrote a soundtrack ?

I had been sort of used to "Pasties and a G-String" or "Small Change", not this.

("The Piano Has Been Drinking")

                                                    Hey who knew Coppola was a softy?

(Not going there.)

Anyway, I had to share some joy.

It is great to share whenever you come across it.

I am going back to the piano now.

By the way he has a lot of gems. Not just this one.

Like the kids say

              "check it out"

Thanks Tom!

Ta ta,

all you silly silly boys and girls,

Until the next,

Peace and Charity


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