Good night Bob Hoskins : ((

April 30, 2014

Who framed Roger Rabbit?

It was that dastardly Christopher Lloyd, I tell you!

                                                                                           (He's not really bad, he's just drawn that way)

"Shave and a haircut...", "shave and a haircut...", "shave and a haircut...",

Bob Hoskins, the guy I always thought was Phil Collins' twin, died from complications of


                                                                *** Parkinson's Disease***


I don't want to take the attention to Mr. Hoskins (too early) demise, but when I hear a news item like this, it feels like I am looking into my not too distant future....

Rest in peace Mr. Hoskins...

        "May flights of angels sing thee to thy rest." (Horatio, Hamlet, but you knew that already)

But let's take a moment to celebrate LIFE!!! 

                       ("To life, to life, l'chaim; l'chaim, l'chaim, to life!")

Giggly, drooly, cute as a button, big, happy, clapping, ALMOST walking, eating like a horse--ok maybe a pony, sweet sweet sweet--

                       my bebe turned:(drumroll please)

ONE YEAR OLD TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

               Yay, Yay, Clap clap clap, whistle, whistle, YAY!!!


So, the lesson for today boys and girls? 

I think it is plain as the nose on your face...

Make every day a good one. 

Count your blessings.

I am glad I can type and think and eat and work (part time)

Oh, BTW, for those of you who get this far down...I am going to see a neurosurgeon about Deep Brain Stimulation surgery--tomorrow. 

Glad that this is an option.

Until the next, 

Peace and Love....


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