What's LOVE Got to do with it ?
February 22, 2014
Hey to you all out there in cyber land.
How you all are????
It is the weekend so I am doing very well.
Got recertified in CPR today.
I haven't had to use actual CPR but I have had experiences with little old ladies in grocery stores where I had to give aid and scream "Call 911" !!!!
Believe me when I tell you, during the incident I am recalling, the staff took their time calling.
Don't know why. All I can think is something legal ????
In a nutshell:
The cart boy had a long string of carts collected from the parking lot.
He pushed the long line of carts up to the front of the store shoving them through the little doorway that the carts are fed into so shoppers would have one to use.
As he shoved the carts through the little doorway the line of carts took out the little old lady who had walked into the store just behind my husband and me.
Little old lady went flying through the air.
I ran over to her, told her I was a nurse and held her head so she wouldn't move it. Another came running from somewhere and said she was a nurse. So together we held this lady in position until the EMTs appeared. (the Heroes)
Never knew anyone's name.
Hubby and I then went through the store grabbing what we came for and left.
Nobody asked me my name.
There have been a few more incidents at grocery stores with little old ladies. I suppose they are at home there...?
Could you NOT do something for someone in distress? Would you be able to stand by and watch while someone needed help?
I don't believe any of my readers would not act.
I know the depth of love so many nurses have for their job and their patients.
One of the reasons I miss floor nursing with such a deep longing.
Longing that is the outcome of the love I have for service to humanity.
What is love to you???
Is it a FEELING??? (physical, mental, spiritual)
Do you believe it can ever leave you?
I believe love is a CHOICE.
We choose to love whom we will.
We love with many different kinds of love.
All a choice.
Do you love your spouse? Are you still having great sex or has the blush fallen from that rose?
You CHOOSE to stay with your spouse.
You VOWED you would.
Do you love your children? OF COURSE!!! (when they are babies)
How about when they cost you thousands of dollars in legal fees to keep their dumbasses out of jail?
Do you love your syblings? your more distant relatives? your neighbors?
All these questions are a choice you make.
Is the marriage going to last?
That is your choice.
You get the picture.
I want you all to remember that love is in our power to give or not. Once given it is disturbing to pull it away.
Love is a choice.
Not a hormone calling to another hormone.
Love is not sex.
Love is not dependency.
Love is a choice.
Until the next,
Peace and LOVE
Hey to you all out there in cyber land.
How you all are????
It is the weekend so I am doing very well.
Got recertified in CPR today.
I haven't had to use actual CPR but I have had experiences with little old ladies in grocery stores where I had to give aid and scream "Call 911" !!!!
Believe me when I tell you, during the incident I am recalling, the staff took their time calling.
Don't know why. All I can think is something legal ????
In a nutshell:
The cart boy had a long string of carts collected from the parking lot.
He pushed the long line of carts up to the front of the store shoving them through the little doorway that the carts are fed into so shoppers would have one to use.
As he shoved the carts through the little doorway the line of carts took out the little old lady who had walked into the store just behind my husband and me.
Little old lady went flying through the air.
I ran over to her, told her I was a nurse and held her head so she wouldn't move it. Another came running from somewhere and said she was a nurse. So together we held this lady in position until the EMTs appeared. (the Heroes)
Never knew anyone's name.
Hubby and I then went through the store grabbing what we came for and left.
Nobody asked me my name.
There have been a few more incidents at grocery stores with little old ladies. I suppose they are at home there...?
Could you NOT do something for someone in distress? Would you be able to stand by and watch while someone needed help?
I don't believe any of my readers would not act.
I know the depth of love so many nurses have for their job and their patients.
One of the reasons I miss floor nursing with such a deep longing.
Longing that is the outcome of the love I have for service to humanity.
What is love to you???
Is it a FEELING??? (physical, mental, spiritual)
Do you believe it can ever leave you?
I believe love is a CHOICE.
We choose to love whom we will.
We love with many different kinds of love.
All a choice.
Do you love your spouse? Are you still having great sex or has the blush fallen from that rose?
You CHOOSE to stay with your spouse.
You VOWED you would.
Do you love your children? OF COURSE!!! (when they are babies)
How about when they cost you thousands of dollars in legal fees to keep their dumbasses out of jail?
Do you love your syblings? your more distant relatives? your neighbors?
All these questions are a choice you make.
Is the marriage going to last?
That is your choice.
You get the picture.
I want you all to remember that love is in our power to give or not. Once given it is disturbing to pull it away.
Love is a choice.
Not a hormone calling to another hormone.
Love is not sex.
Love is not dependency.
Love is a choice.
"For now we see through a glass, darkly;
but then face to face to face:
now I know in part; but
then shall I know even
as also I am known.
And now abideth faith, hope, love,
these three; but the
greatest of these is love."
(I Corinthians: 13:12-13)
Until the next,
Peace and LOVE