du u like perty poetree???


Didn't win the BIG lottery. Of course someone in Tiniseeee winned it. And they ain't agonna quit there jobs either. Cuz they are jus like you and me, reguler folks.

Sorry folks but when I saw the news story of the first couple to win the BIG money, I knew there is a GOD. ANd a devil.

And one of them has a huge sense of humor.

Not sure which one.

When the MAN OF THE HOUSE spoke telling the reporters he wasn't going to quit his job, his wife turned her head and looked up at him with a look that said something like:

don't know about you, you crazy ass, but I am running off with the pool boy to a private island right after this news conference.

If I missed important information I totally apologize--I can barely watch any television at all anymore. Does anyone know the meaning of INANE?

5 points for Gryffendor if you get it right.

Anyways, as, I was saying as you were going, I am in the process of writing three books right now. All of them very different. One is a really exciting BOOK OF POETRY!!!!!!

So if you are a closet poet, I feel sorry for you. if you are not a poet but your feet show it because they are Longfellows {mine are : ((  }then maybe you are.

And maybe you're not, and you are lying to yourself. Or me or the millions of people who don't read this ever...

Let's hear it for the schools in Tinnisee!!!!!!

They still need to teach them  chilluns to do their guzintas.

Until the next


 Love and Peace


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