Hi, and you are?

Good Sunday to you all...

My concern today rests with horrible, horrifying mind stealing dis--ease Alzheimer's Dementia.

When one thinks of a Dementia patient without knowing what Alzheimer's Dementia is like, there is a moment when one thnks what's the big deal? Dementia is Dementia is Dementia

But now that I have a relative with this (sorry again) horrifying, mind-stealing illness. I compare her to my old Auntie who in her nineties decided that she should have something more interesting to talk about with everyone around whom she did not think she knew.
The difference is astounding.

And once again, sorrowful.

This lovely lady I will call Annie, is a beautiful strong--physically, mentally and spiritually--woman.

She is so used to working that she is always on the go. But to where? Her home(s) has always been extraordinaily clean. I mean take your shoes off at the door, wipe down the shower, magazine photo--ready clean. ANd she thinks she is still cleaning. Throguh creative ways she thinks her house doesn't think her house even gets dirty anymore. But she does go into the yard and pull weeds. Her home is as usual perfect.

Well at least perfect to me because I am at the other end of THAT scale!!'

Anyway, her hubby, lets call him, Davey, is so sad and dedicated to Annie that he cannot possibly think of placing this woman in adult daycare or even have a respite from her busy days. If we talk for a moment about it, Davey gets a tear in his eye, and Annie comes popping along and wonders what we are talking about. She is scared, because she is not all the way gone yet, scared of where she is, of where she may end up, not even physically so much as mentally. Lost within herself.  How does that feel to you, lost within your own mind?

Say a prayer of thanks if this insidious disease is not a member of your family.

Say a prayer for help if it is...

And I will pray for you all...

Until the next....

Peace and Love


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