Baby, Bass, Boy oh boy oh boy oh boy!!!


May 31, 2013

Hi again to you all! 

Didn't think I would be back at this so soon.

But so much has happened in the past few weeks that I have to share the excitement.

First and foremost my beautiful, brilliant, bouncing grandbaby was born April 30th. She is Sophia Grace and I have to honestly tell you all that she is the most beautiful and smartest baby that was ever born in this world. I am only being honest in that grandmotherly and unbiased way...

Daughter had a tough time at birth and it got a bit hairy...had to have an emergent c-section. But as THEY ( or Shakespeare) say(s) "All's well that ends well". And this ended well and my little baby's life began well. And that is all that matters.

Now I have to share something that came out of the blue and smacked me upside my head. 

My neuro doc asked me if I would take part in a video for docs to give their newly diagnosed parky's. Kind of a "look what I can (still) do! thing. I was all for it. So that is taking place in about a week. 

Have you ever had a call from a film producer in NYC ? That is rather cool. I mean really really cool.

I am quite jazzed, and a bit frantic cuz I need to get my living room and kitchen painted and clean and clear out crap and dust and polish and on and on and on and on! 

Oh and by the way...Michael J. Fox will also be appearing in said video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No I am not going to meet him but  he will be appearing in the same digitized space as I am so that is kind of cool, too. Really really really cool. 

AND I have started to learn how to play the bass guitar! 

"WHY?" you maybe asking. Because it also is cool. And powerful. And my daughter calls me "Bad Ass Grandma" now.
And that is the name of the first song I am cooking up with my life partner in crime and the arts, Jackie

So I just might rock you out with that soon. 

Feels good to be back. Great to have interesting stuff to share with you all. Will let you all know how all this stuff shakes out....

In the meantime, shake up your life just a little. Do something you have always wanted to do. 

Tomorrow is not promised to any of us. 

Parky or  not.

See what YOU can do! 

Until the next time,

Peace and Love : ))


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